Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Quiet Thoughts

"Good Morning, Sunshine!" Those are the words that came to mind, as I awoke comfortably at 6 a.m. this morning. Although it was still quite dark outside, I felt refreshed from a good night's sleep and was able to focus on my morning reading. The ladies in my women's accountability group and I are reading through Romans this week. Since I finished Romans yesterday (I listened to the complete online audio version during my 5-mile run), I ventured into the book of Daniel. Daniel's life fascinates me. His visions are sobering, to say the least. Every time I open my Bible, I seem to glance over Daniel chapters 1-2. These chapters must be smack-dab in the middle of the Bible because it always wants to part there. My eyes are typically drawn to Daniel 1:8 & 17 and this morning was no exception. I'm impressed by how Daniel stands on his convictions throughout his life. One of the first instances where I see this played out is in him abstaining from "the royal food and wine" offered to him. To Daniel, eating the rich fare that came from the king's table was a form of defilement. So he respectfully requested an alternative. The story goes on to say that Daniel ate a diet consisting of vegetables and water instead. Interestingly enough, he "looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food." (vs. 15) This then leads me to wonder about vs. 17: "To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds." When I read this, I can't help but wonder if part of God's gift of wisdom is given to Daniel and his friends because they practiced discipline and stood on their convictions? Don't get me wrong, I believe that God doesn't just give people blessings or gifts because they "are" good or "do" good. We are all unworthy of Christ's grace and goodness but I still am intrigued by how this story suggests that obedience is honoring to God. Obedience to one's convictions, even involving food. And how perhaps there is blessing in that.

Lately, I have noticed a subtle change taking place in my life. About a month ago, Ken and I decided to start waking up at a set time each morning (weekends excluded)--at about 6 a.m. to spend time reading through God's Word and praying. We do this individual quiet time for 30-40 minutes and then eat together. Over breakfast we'll share what God's been speaking to us or what we heard in our reading. I've been really encouraged by this decision to focus our days on Christ from the get-go.

But this discipline did start with a little bit of hesitancy on my part. Prior to the new year, I had enjoyed getting up whenever my body finally made it out of bed. That was usually around 7:30 a.m. or even 8 a.m. Yet, both Ken and I felt God encouraging us toward greater discipline in this area. So we stood on this conviction. And now, I can see how God is blessing us with a much deeper understanding of His word and His character. I am so thankful! In a similar sense, God has also been using the discipline of this experience to flow into other areas of my life. I'm more committed to balance in my life, to exercising regularly and to making healthier choices in my diet. I'm praising God that for the first time in my life, I was able to run five miles straight without giving up yesterday. That's huge for me! Although I try to run on a semi-regular basis, I usually hit a mental "wall" after a couple miles. I start thinking about how I am "out of shape" or "unskilled at running". (Honestly, what skill is needed besides two feet and some discipline?) This destructive mental track usually causes me to quit before I've reached my goal. But I can see things shifting in my life. I am noticing how discipline and perseverance in the small things is building up to bigger things. Each time I immerse myself in God's Word, I am that much more prepared to take on the struggles of the day. I am also better equipped and more motivated in reaching and setting personal goals, in running and in taking care of myself.

As I finish this entry, a beautiful sunrise is occurring right outside our kitchen window. The warmth and brightness of the pink and red dappled sky reminds me that my hope is moving to where it should be, firmly rooted in Christ's redemptive work in my life.

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